Step by step

Installing ETOS Client on a workstation

This section will guide you through the process of setting up ETOS Client.

ETOS Client is the default tool for executing the test suites with. We always recommend using the client.



ETOS Client can be found on PyPi and is installable with pip.

pip install etos_client

CLI Usage

etos_client --help

More on usage can be found here

Setting up a Jenkins delegation job

This page describes how to set up delegation jobs for ETOS. A delegation job’s function is described here

Note that a delegation job can be created just the way you want to (as long as it follows the instructions from the execution space), this is just a sample of how you could implement it.

Example setup

  1. Create a pipeline job.
  2. Recommended to set cleanup policy for the job.
  3. Add multi-line string parameter named ‘docker’.
  4. Configure Execution Space to send the ‘docker’ parameter to Jenkins.
  5. Add script to delegation
node() {
    stage('ETOS') {
        def jsonslurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
        def json = params.docker
        def dockerJSON = jsonslurper.parseText(json)

        def environmentJSON = dockerJSON["environment"]
        def parametersJSON = dockerJSON["parameters"]
        def dockerName
        if (parametersJSON.containsKey("--name")) {
            dockerName = parametersJSON["--name"]
        } else {
            dockerName = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
            parametersJSON["--name"] = dockerName
        env.DOCKERNAME = dockerName
        def environment = ""
        def parameters = ""
        environmentJSON.each{entry -> environment += "-e $entry.key=$entry.value "}
        parametersJSON.each{entry -> parameters += "$entry.key $entry.value "}
        def image = dockerJSON["image"]
        def command = "docker run --rm " + environment + parameters + image + " &"
          Write a bash file which will trap interrupts so that the docker container
          is properly removed when canceling a build.
        writeFile file: '', text: (
            '_terminate() {\n'
            + '    echo "Stopping container"\n'
            + "    docker stop $dockerName\n"
            + '}\n'
            + 'trap _terminate SIGTERM\n'
            + "$command \n"
            + 'child=$!\n'
            + 'wait "$child"\n'
        sh "docker pull $image || true"
        sh """
        docker rm $dockerName || true
        sh "rm"

Example execution space provider

Checkout any number of static execution spaces. More information about execution space providers here

  "execution_space": {
        "id": "jenkins",
        "list": {
            "possible": {
                "$expand": {
                    "value": {
                        "request": {
                            "url": "https://jenkins/job/DELEGATION/build",
                            "method": "POST",
                            "headers": {
                                "Accept": "application/json"
                            "data": {
                                "json": {
                                    "$json_dumps": {
                                        "parameter": [
                                            { "name": "docker", "value": {
                                                "$json_dumps": "$execution_space_instructions"
                    "to": "$amount"
            "available": "$this.possible"