This page describes the ETOS test collection.

A test collection is how you trigger your tests. The test collection is a collection of recipes that are defined by the test automation engineers. These recipes defines how ETOS will execute the tests.

This test collection is JSON file with several elements and can be quite tricky to create manually.


Top-level properties

      "name": "Name of you suite",
      "priority": 1,
      "recipes": []
Top level properties
Property Type Description
name String Test suite name. Will be referenced in the confidence level.
priority Integer The execution priority. Unused at present and should be set to 1.
recipes List The collection of test execution recipes. Each recipe is a test case.


      "recipes": [
            "constraints": [],
            "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "testCase": {
               "id": "test_case_name",
               "tracker": "Name of test case tracker",
               "url": "http://testcasetracker.com/test_case_name"
Recipe properties
Property Type Description
constraints List List of constraints describing how to execute this test case.
id String Unique ID for this test case. Can be used to re-trigger failing test cases.
testCase Dictionary Test case metadata.
testCase/id String Name of this test case.
testCase/tracker String The name of the tracker where this test case can be found.
testCase/url String URL to the tracker for this test case.


      "recipes": [
            "constraints": [
                  "key": "ENVIRONMENT",
                  "value": {
                     "MY_ENVIRONMENT": "my_environment_value"
                  "key": "COMMAND",
                  "value": "tox"
                  "key": "PARAMETERS",
                  "value": {
                     "-e": "py3"
                  "key": "TEST_RUNNER",
                  "value": "eiffel-community/etos-python-test-runner"
                  "key": "EXECUTE",
                  "value": [
                     "echo 'hello world'"
                  "key": "CHECKOUT",
                  "value": [
                     "git checkout https://github.com/eiffel-community/etos-client"
Constraint properties
Property Value Description
ENVIRONMENT Dictionary The environment key defines which environment variables that are needed for this test case execution.
COMMAND String The command key defines which command to execute in order to run the specified test case.
PARAMETERS Dictionary The parameters key defines which parameters you want to supply to the command that is executing the tests.
TEST_RUNNER String Which test runner you need to execute the test cases in: See ETOS Test Runner Containers for more information.
EXECUTE List The execute key defines a set of shell commands to execute before this test case.
CHECKOUT List The checkout key defines how to checkout your test cases. The checkout values are executed in bash. This command is only executed once if it has already been executed.